Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our products and services.
How does Archivista ensure the security of my Eternal Vault?
Archivista uses web3 technology and human validation to ensure that your Eternal Records are secure and tamper-proof. Your records are stored in a personalized Eternal Vault with digital access protocols called Eternal Vault, which can be customized to your specific needs.
Can I access my Eternal Vaults at any time?
Yes, you can access your Eternal Vaults at any time through the Records Page, which works like a digital library. You can also access your Eternal Records through your personalized Eternal Gallery, which is secured with your unique login credentials.
How does Archivista ensure the privacy of my Eternal Vaults?
We use top-tier encryption to ensure Eternal Records are private and secure. Eternal Vaults can only be accessed by those with the proper permissions and credentials.
Can I update my Eternal Vaults over time?
Yes, you can update your Eternal Vaults over time to ensure that they remain current and relevant. This can include adding new assets or updating existing ones.
How can Eternal Vaults help me pass down my digital assets to future generations?
Eternal Vaults provide a secure and permanent record of your digital assets, which can be passed down to future generations. This ensures that your digital assets are properly managed and transferred to your loved ones.
How does Archivista ensure that my Eternal Vaults are accessible in the future?
We use the latest technology to ensure that your Eternal Vaults are accessible in the future including web3 technology and human validation for tamper-proof records that can be accessed by future generations.
Can Eternal Galleries be customized to my specific needs?
Yes, Eternal Galleries can be customized to your specific needs. It can be personalized to function as a family legacy museum or a display gallery, depending on your preferences.
How can Eternal Vaults help me create a more meaningful legacy?
Eternal Vaults provide a permanent and secure record of what you value the most, that can be accessed by future generations. This ensures those essentials you value most are preserved and passed down in a meaningful way.
Why should I trust Archivista to store my Eternal Vaults?
Archivista uses cutting-edge web3 technology and human validation to create tamper-proof and immutable data capsules that are verified and encrypted. This ensures that your Eternal Vaults are secure and only accessible to you and the people you choose to share them with. We have a team of experts solely dedicated to ensuring the security and privacy of your data, regularly undergoing audits and updates to ward off all security breaches.
Can I access my Eternal Vaults from anywhere in the world?
Yes, you can access your Eternal Vaults from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. This is particularly useful for people who travel frequently or have family members living in different parts of the world. Additionally, Archivista's Records Page allows you to browse your Eternal Vault in a private digital library, giving you easy access to all the information and assets you've stored with Archivista.
How does Archivista compare to other digital estate planning solutions?
We offer a unique and innovative approach to digital estate planning that sets it apart from other solutions in the market. While other solutions may simply provide basic storage and organization of digital assets, Archivista's Eternal Vaults goes beyond that by providing verified and encrypted data capsules that are eternalized using web3 technology and human validation. This provides immutable truth and ensures that the digital assets are preserved for generations to come.  

In addition, Archivista's personalized Eternal Galleries offers advanced digital access protocols that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each family. The Galleries can be configured as a family legacy museum or a display gallery, allowing families to showcase their digital assets in a way that is meaningful, appealing and engaging across all generations.

Archivista offers a comprehensive and innovative approach to Digital Estate planning that sets it apart from other solutions while staying ahead of the curve with new Digital Estate Technology Developments.